AutoQuad Project Timeline

AutoQuad Project Timeline

Winter 2014/2015

The first 500 pcs M4V2 boards are ready for sale.
QGC 1.6.1 is ready. With use of CAN bus and ESC32, full monitoring of your drives is implemented.
AutoQuad FW 7 Beta is released.

Summer 2014

Introduction of AQ M4 board with Quatos Adaptive control FW at Makerfaire Hannover.
PDB prototype ready and working. Max 160A, 2 video channels with OSD overlay, CAN Bus and many other features to come.

Spring 2014

QGroundcontrol 1.4 for PC and Mac
Basic TARE and Mag calibration function included in FW.DIMU 1.1 public release
ESC32 V3 preproduction, freewheeling and regenerative braking.
Gimbal code updates – passthrough function for brushless gimbals

Summer 2013

Add Graupner HoTT SUMD protocol
Add heading free mode (aka simple, carefree mode)
Large improvements in navigation module including altitude handling
Easy setup different signaling patterns
Add CAN support for ESC32
Add Digital IMU support (upgrade not yet available )
Android app: follow me function, tap ‘n fly there function, record flight function, path draw to waypoint function, polynome waypoints function, video in on HUD function (requires root/kernel modification), USB host telemetry , datalogging on android.

May/June 2012: v6.6

Add 1-wire module for communication to ESC32 via PWM line
New logger binary data format
Implement battery SOC / flight time remaining
Smooth vertical velocity transitions and vertical descent settable
Introduction Circle/Loiter mode
1st implementation Gimbal tilt to target hold

Jan 2012: v6.4

New MCU : STM32F215 -> STM32F407 cortex M4 Filter: SKF -> UKF and the elimination of the dynamic flight calibration due to the use of unscented Kalman filter (UKF)