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ESC32 V3 Configuration & Settings

User configurable Settings

All user configurable settings can be accessed via Command Line Interface (CLI) or via the AQ ECU.

To access the CLI, connect the ESC to the AQ ECU (you can also use Putty or other similar terminal clients) via USB or UART with the following settings: 230400 Baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit.

The below table is an overview of each available setting, their default values and explanation of how they work.

WARNING: Do not change a parameter, unless you are sure how it works and how it will affect the ESCs operation. Incorrect settings can lead to motor or ESC damage.


Parameters and Values

Parameter Default Value Explanation
STARTUP_MODE 0 The running mode the ESC is started in. 0 = Open Loop, 1= Closed Loop RPM, 2 = Closed Loop Thrust, 3 = Servo Mode
BAUD_RATE 230400 baud The baud rate for the serial interface
PTERM 0.500 The PI controller governs the speed at which duty or RPM changes are applied.
ITERM 0.00500 The PI controller governs the speed at which duty or RPM changes are applied.
FF1TERM +0.00000e+00 The Feed Forward terms govern the Closed loop RPM controller. The terms describe a curve that expresses the Motor RPM as a function of voltage.
FF2TERM +0.00000e+00 The Feed forward terms are generated for a specific motor and propellor by running the RPM to Voltage calibration.
MIN_PERIOD 50 us The minimum commutation period in microseconds.Equals a maximum of 28571 RPM on a 14 pole motor. (Note 1)
MAX_PERIOD 12000 us The maximum commutation period in microseconds.Equals a minimum of 119 RPM on a 14 pole motor (Note 1)
ADVANCE 15.00 Degs The timing advance in electrical degrees.  There are 60 electrical degrees in one  commutation cycle.  Between 0 and  30 degrees.
START_VOLTAGE 0.75 Volts The voltage presented to the motor during startup. Between  0.1v  and 3.0v
GOOD_DETECTS_START 48 Once started, the number of zero crossings to be detected before ESC is considered to be in a running state
BAD_DETECTS_DISARM 32 Number of zero crossings missed before the motor is disarmed.
MAX_CURRENT 20.00 Amps Maximum current allowed
START_CURRENT 0.75 Amps Motor starting current
SWITCH_FREQ 20.0 KHz Motor switching frequency. Between 4 and 64 KHz
MOTOR_POLES 14 Number of magnetic poles in the motor
PWM_MIN_PERIOD 2200 us The minimum frame lenght for the Input PWM signal in microseconds. Allows up to 454Hz pulse cycle. For use with Multiwii and other systems requiring 490 hz pulse cycle, this value should be lowered to 2000 us. (Note 2)
PWM_MAX_PERIOD 25000 us The maximum frame lenght for the input PWM signal in microseconds. Allows down to 40Hz pulse cycle.  Raise it to 40000 to allow down to 25Hz pulse cycle
PWM_MIN_VALUE 750 us The minimum pulse width accepted as a valid input signal
PWM_LO_VALUE 1000 us The input PWM pulse length in microseconds for the lowest throttle setting.
PWM_HI_VALUE 1950 us The input PWM pulse length in microseconds for the highest throttle setting.
PWM_MAX_VALUE 2250 us The maximum pulse length accepted as a valid input signal
PWM_MIN_START 1100 us The input PWM pulse length in microseconds at which the motor will be started.  Once running, the throttle can be brought as low as PWM_MIN_VALUE as long as the motor does not stall.
PWM_RPM_SCALE 6000 RPM Closed Loop RPM Only. In closed loop mode, this term scales the input signal to RPM. Low  throttle is 0 zero RPM and High throttle is 6000 RPM with the default value.
ACTIVE_FREEWHEEL 1 Active freewheeling is turned on or off with this param.1 = On , 0 = Off
THR1TERM +0.00000e+00 Closed Loop thrust mode only! Closed loop thrust mode scale terms. THR terms express the thrust curve of a specific motor and propellor
THR2TERM +1.00000e+00 Closed Loop thrust mode only! Closed loop thrust mode scale terms.
RPM_MEAS_LP 0.750 Low pass filtering constant for the RPM measurement.
SERVO_DUTY 5.0 % Servo mode only. Only for use with high resistance gimbal motors.Servo duty (power) Between 0 and 100 percent. Be careful and watch for overheating.
SERVO_P 0.050 The servo controllers P term
SERVO_D 0.000 The servo controllers D term
SERVO_MAX_RATE 1000.0 deg/s The max rotation rate in degrees per second
SERVO_SCALE 360.0 deg The input signal is scaled to this number of degrees. Between 0 and 360 degrees
ESC_ID 0 The ESC´s CAN adress
DIRECTION 1 Motor direction. 1 = forward , -1 = reverse
AUDIO_VOLUME 0.0 Audio volume. Between 0.0 and 5.0 – Be careful, using the motors as speakers creates a lot of spikes in the supply and uses a lot of power – especially on bigger motors. Keep it down!

Note 1: The formula to calculate the min and max RPM is: RPM = 2000000 / motor poles / MIN_PERIOD
Note 2:  Min and maximum frame rate is calculated by this formula: 1000000 / PWM_MIN_PERIOD.

Run Modes

There is 4 different run modes supported in ESC32: Open loop duty mode, Closed Loop RPM, Closed Loop Thrust and Servo modes. More Run Modes Informations


This page was created on 4-Aug-15 by jussi. Last modified on 21-Aug-15 by kinderkram.