» S

Dynamic Calibration Dance Step by Step

Once you’ve watched the calibration videos, every step is visualized on this page. User contributed text by axelnied

Document available for download here

Please carefully follow the instructions in the Wiki and the video (#2).
The illustrated sequence will be performed a total of six times.
Each sequence is the “same”, only the starting orientation of the craft changes! Each sequence will take around 1 minute to perform.

Make yourself familiar with the different sides (faces) of your craft, as this is essential to properly perform the dynamic calibration (“Calibso”).

Bottom Face (“Bot”)
Top Face (“Top”)
Right Face (“R”)
Left Face (“L”)
Front Face (“F”)
Rear Face (back) (“B”)

The Sequence:
While continuously rotating your body to the left, perform the following steps:1.) hold the craft in the starting position
2.) rotate the craft 90deg “forward”
3.) back to starting position
4.) rotate the craft 90deg “backwards” (towards you)
5.) back to starting position
6.) rotate the craft 90deg “right” (like a steering wheel)
7.) back to starting position
8.) rotate the craft 90deg “left” (like a steering wheel)
9.) back to starting positionThis sequence will repeat six times, each time with a different starting orientation of the craft, for the six different faces (think of a “cube”)…

First sequence

The FIRST sequence starts with Top “up”, and the Front facing away from you!

Second sequence

The SECOND sequence starts with
Front “up”, and the Bottom facing away from you!

Front is up
Bottom facing away
Top is facing you
Left is to the left

(from the First Sequence, rotate the craft “towards” you)

Third sequence

The THIRD sequence starts with
LEFT “up”, and the Bottom facing away from you!

Left is up
Bottom facing away
Top is facing you
Front is to the right

from the Second Sequence, rotate the craft “right” you
(like with a steering wheel)

Fourth sequence

The FORTH sequence starts with
Back “up”, and the Bottom facing away from you!

Back is up
Bottom facing away
Top is facing you
Left is to the right

from the Third Sequence, rotate the craft “right” you
(like with a steering wheel)

Fifth sequence

The FIFTH sequence starts with
RIGHT “up”, and the Bottom facing away from you!

Right is up
Bottom facing away
Top is facing you
Back is to the right

from the Forth Sequence, rotate the craft “right” you
(like with a steering wheel)

Sixth sequence

The SIXTH sequence starts with
BOTTOM “up”, and the Back facing away from you!

Bottom is up
Back facing away
Front is facing you
Right is to the right

from the Fifth Sequence, rotate the craft “right” and towards you

This page was created on 12-Jul-12 by jussi. Last modified on 19-Oct-14 by kinderkram.