M4v2 Radio Options
Currently the M4v2 offers several options for internal or external radio receivers.
After selecting a different radio you always need to store it and restart the M4!
Please also read the general Radio Options for AQ.
First Option – internal Receivers
The AQ M4v2 (production version r6) has an internal CYRF6936 based DSM2/DSMX 12 channel transceiver.
You can bind and use Spektrum DSM compatible transmitters. To use the internal CYRF receiver you need to select it in QGC´s “Config” tab, “Radio & Controls”, upper dropdown list (RC1).
Anyway it´s advised to use at least a 6 channel Spektrum radio to make use of the M4´s autonomous functions.
Preparations for using the internal CYRF Receiver on M4v2 Production Boards
In order to power the internal receiver (and only then!) you need to close the solder bridge next to arm nr. 2 like shown below
Selecting the CYRF Receiver on the M4v2 Production Boards
To use the internal CYRF receiver you need to select it in QGC´s “Config” tab, “Radio & Controls”, upper dropdown list (RC1). On the M4v2 (Production Board) the binding process will be signalled by the yellow Debug LED.
After selecting a different radio you always need to store it and restart the M4!
Connect the Receiver Antenna with u.fl Connector
Binding the onboard CYRF receiver with Spektrum compatible Transmitters
After you power the board, the receiver will go into bind mode after 16-20 sec., indicating this status by flickering the yellow debug LED.
As soon as the flickering starts, switch on your radio in binding mode and wait until the LED goes solid.
Note: If you are facing problems binding your internal receiver you could try one of the following:
– bring some distance between the transmitter and receiver. If they are too close together they might fail binding. 2 or 3 meters should be sufficient.
– remove the pigtail antenna before you start the binding process. After successful binding you can plug it in again.
Check in QGC in the “Config -> Radio & Controls”, if all channels are assigned correctly and if the directions are ok.
Read more about binding the internal CYRF receiver on M4v2 production boards in this forum thread
Check your Pitch Stick
The Pitch channel often needs to be reversed. In QGC pitch stick forward (nose down) is negative pitch and therefor the bar graph goes to the left. So if you pull the pitch stick (positive pitch) the graph has to go to the right.
Other Options – using external Receivers
You could use external DSM2 Spektrum compatible receivers from Orange (HobbyKing) or LemonRX DSM2 or DSMX.
You can also use external PPM receivers on the same pads.
Please also read the general Radio Options for AQ.
Note: Power output on the M4 radio connection pads is 3.3V/50mA max. This is enough to drive a Spektrum satellite and other low current 3.3V receivers. But alternatively, you may need an external 5V step-up voltage regulator, e.g. Pololu U1V10F5 if using a receiver that requires a 5V supply. This stepup can be connected to +Vcom and GND on the expansion headers. Refer to the M4 expansion board section for details (Insert link)
Other Options for external Receivers
LemonRX DSM2 Spektrum compatible satellite |
Orange DSM2 Spektrum compatible satellite |
Hitec compatible Minima PPM receiver |
Other receivers like Simprop Gigascan Satellite for Futaba |
FrSky D4R-II PPM receiver Modification example to attach step-up regulator & make it lighter |
FrSky X4R S.Bus receiver Modification to bypass the S.Bus inverter for direct connection to AQ. |